I was so sorry to hear about Sach, she was a wonderful person whom I got to know working with her on Sierra Leone HIV programming with Christian Aid and then later in Programme Funding Department. She was excellent at all she did and we were very sorry she moved on but happy she got to try what she always wanted to through the training in Nursing deciding to give that a go in the last year before the fees went up for the training. Thank you for sharing all the beautiful memories with us today, I am happy I could get to know her even for a short period. She was a beautiful person
Eleanor Bird Programme Funding and Development Manager, Programme Funding Department , Christian Aid
13th October 2023
Unbearably sad to hear about Sach’s death. She was such a lovely, gently, intelligent, thoughtful woman. My thoughts and prayers for her husband and family – she was so loved and appreciated and will be so missed by so many.
rachel baggaley
12th October 2023
So, so sorry to hear about Sach. I remember her as a kind and loving person who always had a smile and a lovely sense of fun.
My love and hugs to all those who held her dear.
Kevin O'Dell
12th October 2023